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Office of the University Building Official

Musculoskeletal center


August 2023

Please welcome our new staff:

Natalie Feaver, AIA, LEED AP, Senior Architect; responsible for Architectural, Egress, and ADA, Reviews and Inspections

Caitlin Keaton Walls, Document & Compliance Analyst, contact Caitlin with questions about Project Review and Building Permit Status.

Organizational Changes — OUBO will divide administrative responsibility for projects within the FM Project Management groups as follows: Kathy Grove will be the liaison for Academic Capital Projects (Tim Roland's team). Rachelle Hermes will be the liaison for Health System Capital Projects (George Southwell's team). Bob Waite for all other teams including Construction Services (Bree Knick's team), Infrastructure Renewal & Renovations (Brian Pinkston's team), Design Services (Scott Clough's team), and users of the Small Project Reviews. Nathan Lawson will be the liaison for SWM/ESC reviews, submissions to be provided by Dawson Garrod of FM Environmental Resources.

If you have any questions on who is the liaison for your project, please ask!